Indoor air quality for your pets
Indoor air quality, or IAQ, affects the respiratory systems of every living being inside of a household. The air we breathe can be filled with allergens, pollutants, odors, and even tiny critters.
time a door is opened, a new set of allergens is introduced into your household. Your ac unit or central air system will also pull outside allergens into your home.It's a vicious cycle of you trying to keep the pollutants out and them trying to get in. If you suffer from allergies or respiratory illnesses, the quality of your indoor air can pose some serious health issues for you.
What if you have allergies and pets? It is possible to keep your indoor air quality up to par and still be able to enjoy the companionship and love that comes with owning a pet.
Let's take a look at both how your animals impact the quality of your indoor air and how the pollutants affect them, as well as some good practices to help make your air cleaner.
How does indoor air quality affect pets?
- Second-hand smoke is just as dangerous for pet health as it is for everyone else. If you are a smoker, please consider the health of your little buddy.
- Everyday household cleaning products can be ingested by animals and can cause them some respiratory distress.
- Pets sometimes like to sleep next to air vents or maybe even an air conditioning unit because of the cold air, but pet health can be affected by all sorts of pollutants blowing directly onto them and into their lungs.
• Dust seems to settle, which means our little guys are closer to the ground and are breathing in much dirtier air than we are.
How do pets affect indoor air quality?
- Since pets typically go outside every now and then, they tend to bring in pollen, dust, mold, and whatever else clings to their fur. As they move around the house and play, it all gets in the air.
- Pet hair will carry dander regardless of how well you keep it trimmed. Dander is somewhat like dandruff except that it's practically invisible. When people are seriously allergic to certain animals, it's generally because of the dander interfering with their respiratory system.
- They can also bring in little bugs in their fur. And those critters can have even smaller critters, which get in the air.
• Our furry little friends can also sometimes have a little odor associated with them. While we may become accustomed to those smells, they just add up to more pollutants in the air.
Tips for improving IAQ in a pet-friendly home
- Keeping your pet clean is a great way to reduce the amount of dander they produce and to get all of those other pollutants off their bodies and down the drain. Brushing often between baths will also keep them cleaner and smelling better.
- The soft, comfortable things in your home are where most pollutants will collect. It's a good idea to keep your animals off of furniture and bedding both to keep them cleaner and so your pets aren't breathing in all of that dust.
- Keep your floors clean. You can easily see the dust on a hard floor. But, carpets hide everything and every time you walk on it you are spreading all of those pollutants around. Regular hoovering is a great way to keep your air cleaner.
- Wash your hands often, especially after touching your pets. It just reduces some of the pollutants you are exposing yourself to.
- Try to use more eco-friendly cleaners for your household chores. Baking soda is a great cleaner and you can easily find some great cleaning tips online.
- Stay on top of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning maintenance. Air filters do a great job when they are changed out regularly.
You can have great indoor air quality and still enjoy your animals. It may take a little work. But, it's worth every minute of it to make sure you and your little furry friends are happy and healthy.
- Heather Hernandez
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