New Look Coming Soon!

Soopa Pets

We have some Soopa Exciting news to announce! Soopa is getting a make over. We have gone all out and are totally re-branding our products. It has been a long process to get things right, but we are almost there! We hope to have things all ready mid-April, but we want to give our fans a sneak peak at the new designs.


As well as re branding, we are launching SIX new Soopa Tasty Treats. We are making grain free and hypoallergenic dental sticks and healthy bites. Like all of our treats, these are vegetable based and suitable for dogs with pancreatitis, kidney & liver disease, diabetes, obesity and allergies. They come in three yummy new flavours, Kale & Apple, Cranberry & Sweet Potato and Carrot & Pumpkin!  We can’t wait!


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