Understanding your Dog’s Poop
One way of keeping an eye on your dog’s health and wellbeing is checking their poop. Yes, we said it…poop! Indicating both a healthy or troublesome tummy, your dog’s poop can say much more than you think about how your dog’s body is working and what it might need to stay healthy and happy.
Unlike us humans, a dog’s digestive tract is much smaller than our own and therefore the food they eat needs to be easily digestible otherwise what comes out as a result can be messy, smelly and rather unpleasant.
Your dog’s poop really can be an indicator of how healthy their gut really is so with poop in mind, here’s everything you need to know about what their poop is really saying.
Dog Poop Chart
Despite the fact that many of us might not like to look at our dog’s poop, keeping an eye for changes in size, smell, consistency and even frequency can help ensure your dog’s tummy is trouble-free.
The below guide shows exactly what healthy poop should be and when a visit to the vets might be needed when poops are becoming a little looser and smellier than before.
Perfect Poop - brown in colour, sausage shaped and smooth shows signs of a healthy gut
Sausage shaped but lumpy indicates your dog might be mildly constipated (this could also be an indicator of a little dehydration.
Small, separate, hard blobs are a sign of more serious constipation - a trip the vets can help give your dog medicine to help them pass stools easier.
Stools slightly mushy or even watery are signs that your dog may have picked up a tummy bug (gastroenteritis) or may indicate intolerances to specific food ingredients. If your dog has diarrhoea for more than 24 hours, we suggest contacting your local vet to get them checked.
How Often Should My Dog Poop?
There really is no one size fits all approach to how many times your dog should poop in a day. It is suggested that between 1-5 times is a normal amount for your dog to poop but this can vary depending on breed, age and even the size of your furry friend.
If your dog only poops once a day or poops five times a day, as long as their digestion is consistent then there is nothing to worry about. Notice changes? It is always best to seek veterinary advice if your dog’s digestive habits vary from their regular patterns.

Helping their Digestion
The primary factor in any changes in your dog’s poops is diet. Overfeeding, underfeeding, giving scraps or even changing the recipe of their food can all have impacts on your dog’s digestive tract.
Choosing food and treats that are natural, wholesome and full of easy to digest ingredients are the ways you can avoid a troublesome tummy in your four-legged friend.
Packed with nothing more than 100% human-grade fruits and vegetables, our healthy bites and dental sticks are the pawfect treat in helping your dog digestion and ensuring their poops are exactly what they should be.
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