Paws in the Park: Must-Attend Dog-Friendly Events This Summer

Paws in the Park: Must-Attend Dog-Friendly Events This Summer

Abbie Drinkwater

Summer is upon us; there's no better time to get outside and enjoy the sun with your furry best friend. But where to go and what to do? Fear not, fellow dog lovers! We've compiled a list of must-attend dog-friendly events that will keep both you and your pup entertained all season long. Whether you're looking for a casual afternoon in the park or an exciting adventure-filled day, there's something for everyone. So, leash up your pup and get ready for some tail-wagging fun!

Why Attend Dog-Friendly Events?

Before we dive into the list, let's talk about why these events are fantastic opportunities for both you and your dog.

  1. Socialisation: Dogs are social creatures. Attending events allows them to interact with other dogs and people, which is essential for their mental and emotional well-being.
  2. Exercise: Many of these events offer activities that will help your dog burn off extra energy. A tired dog is a happy dog!
  3. Education: You'll often find vendors and experts offering tips on everything from nutrition to training, so it's a great way to learn more about how to care for your pet.
  4. Community: These events are a perfect way to meet like-minded dog owners and build a network of friends who share your love for our four-legged companions.

Top Dog-Friendly Events to Check Out This Summer

Bark in the Park - London, UK

When: July 15th 

Where: Hyde Park, London 

Kick off the summer with Bark in the Park, a delightful day out for you and your furry friend in one of London's most iconic locations. Expect a fun-filled day with dog shows, obstacle courses, and plenty of stalls offering the latest in pet care and handmade treats. It's a wonderful opportunity for socialisation and exercise, set against the backdrop of Hyde Park's stunning scenery.

The Great British Dog Walk - Various Locations

When: Various dates throughout the summer 

Where: Nationwide, including Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast 

Join hundreds of dog owners and their beloved pets for a series of walks in some of the UK's most beautiful and historic locations. The Great British Dog Walk is an annual event aimed at raising funds for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. It's a fantastic way to get some exercise, enjoy the great outdoors, and support a good cause.

Woofstock UK - Devon

When: August 5th - 6th 

Where: Dartmouth, Devon 

Woofstock UK is a festival by dogs for dogs, promising a weekend of unforgettable fun. This dog-centric event features live music, dog shows, agility competitions, and stalls from local and national pet businesses. It's an excellent opportunity for education on pet care, as well as a perfect place to meet and mingle with other dog enthusiasts.

Paws in the Park - Kent

When: September 16th - 17th 

Where: Kent Showground, Maidstone 

Wind down the summer with a visit to Paws in the Park, renowned for being one of the biggest and most comprehensive dog events in the UK. This event offers a wide range of activities including splash pools, agility courses, and scurry runs. Attend informative sessions, shop at over 200 pet-related stalls, and enjoy a great community vibe. It's a perfect outing to conclude the summer, ensuring your dog is well-socialised, exercised, and happy.

Tips for Attending Dog-Friendly Events

Now that you're excited about these events, here are a few tips to ensure you and your pup have a fantastic time:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Always bring water for both you and your dog. Many events will have water stations, but it's better to be prepared.
  2. Leash Up: Even if the event is in an off-leash area, it's a good idea to keep your dog on a leash when navigating crowded spaces.
  3. Pack Essentials: Bring poop bags, a portable water bowl, and some Soopa treats. Our Healthy Bites are the perfect addition to your fun-filled days out! Also, consider packing a small first aid kit for any minor scrapes or injuries.
  4. Know Your Dog: Not all dogs enjoy large crowds or loud noises. If your dog is anxious or reactive, it might be best to start with smaller events or quieter times of the day.
  5. Check the Weather: Summer events can get hot, so be mindful of the temperature and provide plenty of shade and water. If it's too hot, consider attending events early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Summer is the perfect time to bond with your dog and explore new adventures together. Whether you're attending a festival, participating in a parade, or simply enjoying a swim day, these events offer countless opportunities for fun and socialisation. So mark your calendars, pack your bags, and get ready for an unforgettable summer with your furry friend.

If you attend any of these events, don't forget to snap some photos and tag us. We can't wait to see you and your pups out and about, enjoying all the summer fun together.

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