Natural Remedy For Doggie Diarrhoea

Natural Remedy For Doggie Diarrhoea

Barbara Hanly

Is your dog suffering from an upset tummy? Diarrhoea can be caused by a number of factors from a simple dietary chance to parasites, to a whole range of diseases, viruses and infections. First step is to get your pet checked out by a veterinarian to rule out anything more sinister. Diarrhoea can be very upsetting for you and your pup and the vet will usually recommend a bland diet of boiled rice and chicken.

This simple natural remedy can be given along with the bland diet to help settle your pup’s stomach. It is also super tasty and full of the nutrients they will need.

Sweet Potato and Ginger:


1 large sweet potato
½ tsp of finely grated ginger or 1/4tsp powdered ginger
1 tbsp butter


1) Prick sweet potato with a fork several times and place in the middle of an oven without a baking tray.
2) Bake for about 45 minutes at 215 degrees Celsius. After baking time, turn off the oven and allow sweet potato to rest and cool in the oven for approx 30 mins.
3) When cool enough to handle, but still warm, remove from the oven and peel.
4) Place peeled sweet potato in a bowl with the ginger and butter and mash together.
5) Serve when cool. Can be refrigerated for up to five days when stored in an airtight container.


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