Fight those Fleas

Fight those Fleas

Barbara Mary Hanly

As the weather warms, the emergence of pesky parasites prevails across the furry friend world. Yes. That’s right. We are talking about fleas. Causing our pawfect pals problems since the dawn of time, fleas are critters to be cautious of this summer. 

Causing irritating itching and scratching soreness in our furry friends, many of us take the correct precautions to prevent these pesky parasites from invading our homes. However, for when that flea treatment has been missed or your dog simply has just been caught out, here’s everything you need to know about how to spot when your furry friend has some wanted visitors hiding amongst their fur. 

Irritating Itches

As the most common symptom of flea infestation, scratching is a common sign that your dog might have brought something a little unexpected home from their adventures in the outdoors. However, it must be said that not all dog itching will be diagnosed with fleas. Just like us, our dogs can experience problematic skin from time to time and can often just mean your dog is a little itchier than usual. 

When it comes to fleas, you will notice your dog scratching and biting their skin more aggressively and erratically than before. Their ears, belly, neck and back are perfect places for fleas to hide and these will be the top places your dog will turn to to try and nibble away at their sore skin. 

Sore Skin and Funny-Looking Fur

Like any type of bite, fleas leave red and bumpy welts on our dogs skin just like our own. If you suspect your dog is scratching due to fleas, it is always best to inspect their skin and fur when you first begin to notice as catching fleas early can not only save you from a hefty bill of removing them from your home but will also save your furry friend from more nights of super soreness. 

Checking their belly and back for any bumps or redness in key areas where they are biting will help you determine if there are fleas present or not. Found unusual black dust on your dog’s fur? This is known as “flea dust” - the nasty excrement fleas leave behind after feeding on your pet. Often with increased feeding, fleas become visible to humans so spotting them is just like spotting head lice on ourselves.If you do notice any of the above symptoms, use flea treatment as soon as possible if your dog is due for their spot on or tablets around the time of itching. 

With dogs and cats prone to fleas more than any other type of animal - preventatives are always better than cure. For more natural and herbal options, invest in some citronella and tea tree based sprays and grooming products made especially for your furry friends to keep those pesky parasites at bay and your dog’s skin looking as feeling as healthy as ever

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